Saturday, November 12, 2011

Winter's Coming!!!!
It's been a while since I've been on here, but a lot has happened. A quick recap: I graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder in May and spent several weeks enjoying life in Boulder without any stress. I made the annual venture with the Alpine Club to Lake Powell where 28 of us spent a few days on a house boat (made for 12) drinking heavily, climbing, cliff jumping, and having countless laughs..

 A week later, I set off on a 3 week, 6,000 mile road trip of the western US with my wonderful girlfriend. We stopped at 14 National Parks and couple of major cities. In order: Grand Teton NP, Yellowston NP, Craters of the Moon NP, San Juan Islands, Olympic NP, Portland, Redwood NP, Sonoma Valley Wineries, San Fran, Yosemite NP, Sequoia & Kings NP, Vegas baby!, Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon NP, Zion NP, Bryce NP, Arches NP, Canyonlands NP, Mesa Verde NP, and the Black Canyons of Gunnison NP. All in all that trip was truly amazing and served as an eye opener for how life should be lived. .......Since then I've moved back home to the Lehigh Valley, PA and I've been busting my ass working for Campbell Real Estate Investments.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

April Edit

Plain and simple...April kicked my ass. I spent a good portion of the month tomahawking through the air, and on different occasions I managed to knee myself in the nose, brake my binding, strain my back (from being scorpioned), strain my shoulder, and was able to welcome a good amount of soreness. But, I still managed to have a good time with some good people. I got to enjoy my birthday by skiing several technical lines and laying out some back flips...... Man, I love to ski.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

March Edit

My video was featured on Colorado Powder Forecast
I was also featured in Joel's video on Colorado Powder Forecast

March was a big month for me, because everything I did was bigger and gnarlier. I’ve been eyeing up triple cliff for 3 years and I finally sent it from the top (40ft to flat) in the beginning of the month. This gave me the confidence and desire to send mushroom rock (55ft). I ended up landing in Joel’s bomb hole making it a huge impact, and the heel piece of my binding ended up jabbing me in the gooch. It ripped through my ski pants, base layer, underwear, and cut my gooch. Yes, you heard me right, and yes, it was very painful.The drops continued throughout the month and I dropped a 30ft and 35ft. And the last Tuesday of the month we got a nice surprise by having 20+ inches drop in EV- faceshots galore!

Triple Cliff

Mushroom Rock

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

February Edit

I was also featured in Joel's video on Colorado Powder Forecast

February brought in a mix of conditions that I got to enjoy all over CO. Some days it allowed me to finally get on some high alpine terrain and other days it allowed me to slut up the pow, one day being the deepest snow I ever skied. 

A handful of people from the team made the trip out to Silverton. The first day was nothing special but the second day 8 of us made the 2 hour boot pack up the ridge to ski meatball chute (a place usually where people who only pay for a heli drop can ski). It was an incredible experience to spend with those other 7, and it was an amazing feeling to ski that line hard and FAST.

Looking up at meatball chute

Aspen Competition
 Then Feb 25-27 I made the trip to Aspen/Snowmass to compete in the Colorado Freeride Championships. The first two days were canceled due to high winds and blizzard conditions. But we finally got to compete on Sunday. I sent a triple (about 8ft to 25ft to 5ft) but I popped a ski on the last stage. I still got 30th out of 75. Made it onto with this picture.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

January Edit

 My video was featured of Colorado Powder Forecast. Colorado Powder Forecast Shout-Out

I was also featured in Joel's video on Colorado Powder Forecast

January was a first for a number of reasons. It was the first time I was towed by a sled (which saved us a 7 mile skin), first time I built a backcountry booter, first time playing cheesedick (not what it sounds like, but ask me how to play one day. It’s an awesome game. Thanks Joel.), and it was the first time I made the efforts to TRY to get on some high alpine lines.

January was a cold month but had some amazing snow. I skied some of the usual spots, but I also went on two hut trips: the Eiseman Hut and Green Wilson Hut.

Eiseman Hut
At the Eiseman Hut (Jan 11-13) we had Joel, Tim, Chris, Kat, and Will, and most of our time was spent skiing in the trees due to the weather and avy conditions. Joel and I did try to get on a high alpine line, but due to poor visibility we had to turn back about half way through the skin. Overall, we had a fun time shredding the trees and playing cheesedick.

Green Wilson Hut
The Green Wilson Hut (Jan. 22-24) had some awesome terrain which Joel, Kelly, Palmer, Doug, Mike B, Mike S, and I got to enjoy. Even through we got skunked on another high alpine line (from seeing a couple of natural slides occur), we spent most of our time skiing deep pow in the trees, dropping cliffs, sending the backcountry booter, and riding the endless pillows. One of highlights of the trip was when Mike S. and I went out for a night ski. With our momentarily fear of be lost, skiing under the moonlight, dropping cliffs, and getting faceshots in the dark, it turned out to be one of my better runs so far.

Photo By Mike Bibeau
Photo By Mike Bibeau